Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) is a ten-digit alphanumeric code that identifies products on Amazon. It’s unique for each product and is assigned when you create a new product in Amazon’s catalog.
Your subscription starts on the day of payment, you may upload files anytime during the plan validity period.
We have an interactive dashboard that gives you a granular view of your report which means that the reports are only available online.
Always remember to fix the reds which are your gaps and the greens means you’ve done well on that parameter.
Report validity period starts on the day a report is published. You may view the report as many times as you want during the report validity period, but access will be automatically revoked at the expiry of the report validity period. The expiry date of the report is mentioned on the dashboard.
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© 2023 NittyGritti. All rights reserved
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Starting January 21st 2025, all listings must comply with Amazon’s new Product Title requirements, after which Amazon will be enforcing remedial action on non-compliant pages.
Get wholly compliant & optimized tittle, bullets & description instantly with just your ASIN URL.