Product Listings Optimization: What Goes Into a Good Amazon Product Detail Page

The Amazon seller is, in some sense, their product listings page. The Amazon product listings page is famously tied to the tightest of style guidelines, the sales window, the sales pitch and the product detail, all in one. They recommend a style guide based on best practices seen across geographies over the years. Optimizing your product listings page is key to selling on Amazon, and you need it to look good, to communicate, and to show your product at its best.
There are some key points to making a good listings page:
- Follow the rules. Amazon is not the place to experiment with style and format.
- Use good grammar. Amazon is not the place to slip up with language. Don’t confuse the customer about what you’re selling and how it works. Be direct and keep it simple.
- Add keywords. You need it. This is a search engine.
- Don’t miss out on specific areas like bullet points and product benefits. Customers will tend to back away from an incomplete page because it looks like an unreliable seller.
- Follow the format for images. Don’t get your page delisted for something as simple as forgetting to add a white background.
- Ensure you get good reviews and ratings. This is an output of a good listings page.
To be a good seller on Amazon, you need to invest in a zero error listings page. If you’re trying to drive traffic to a website, keep in mind that customers don’t walk away from pages that easily. They’re more likely to click the back button and find something else within the marketplace. Companies like NittyGritti can help you out here and show you how to optimize your listings pages and do a thorough stylecheck. They can let you know if:
- Your product titles are following the style guidelines and keyworded correctly
- Your bullets, features and descriptions are useful, informative and whether you have entered the right content in the right category.
- Images are in format and correctly sequenced for an optimized experience both on browser and app.
- How you stand with relation to the competition: you can do a comparative analysis between your pages and that of your closest competitor.
Every product is different, every page is different, but here are the things you absolutely cannot miss out on, to have a good listings page:
1. Ensure your product titles are formatted correctly and sticking to the character count:
You have an upper limit of 250 characters for your product title. There are two ways you can go wrong:
- Doing too little (using just about a hundred or less characters)
- Doing too much (using more than 300 hundred characters, which will have your page suppressed)
Here’s how you can make the most of those 250 characters:
- Start with the most important/useful information: Brand/Product/Category/Size/Use Value/Location (Where/How it can be used)
- Include relevant keywords but frame them within the list given above. Stick to the sequence when you write your keywords because your titles will become unreadable if you mess it up.
- Use title case. First letter of every word capitalized.
- Don’t use symbols. 250 characters looks like a lot more to a customer than it does to a seller. If it’s messy, it’s a struggle to read and they might just skip past your title.
2. Make sure your product images give the shopper the impression that they’re actually looking at it first-hand
Amazon allows you up to nine images, and the first needs to have a white background. Images need to be about 1,000 pixels wide and 500 pixels high. Choose the best resolution you can manage, as pretty much everyone who lands on your page will try to zoom in, especially if it’s a lifestyle product.
Once you’re done with your basic white background, here’s what your images need to show:
- The product in zoom quality.
- The product in use – preferably with relative size in view.
- The product label, if it’s relevant.
- The product in its different variants, if it’s a changeable product, like, for example, a foldable couch bed.
- The product in its environment – in a bedroom/outdoors/on a model – add a human element where you can.
- Size comparison, especially for categories like furniture, luggage etc
- Lastly, add a video, if you want to give customers information on how to use the product.
3. Write your key features – in bullets
What goes into bullets? The most critical information your customer needs the most, to make a buying decision. This is the most important part of your product page, so make it clear, and don’t miss out on vital details:
- What is the product?
- What is it made of?
- Where is it used?
- What are the dimensions (if relevant)?
- Who is the customer? Men/women/pets/babies etc.
- What are the primary product benefits
4. Make your product description friendly and throw in your best sales pitch
Your product description is where you can let your hair down and talk to your customer about your product. Tell them why it’s good, why it’s better than the next option on the search page, how it’s going to improve their lives and tell them who’s selling. You can include seller information, brand information, give them details on how it’s made, if it’s interestingly made.
NittyGritti can help you with suggestions on how to improve your page and optimize your listings. If you have a very big number of product listings, then keeping track of them might get harder as you grow. Our AI-powered service can offer you a detailed summary on where your page stands and what to do next. Visit us at to choose your pack and get your page optimized!